M135 - Drona Avenge Drupada

Drona was satisfied that all his students were skilled enough to use weapons, and therefore their training period was over. It was time to ask for Gurudhakshina from them. After assembling them together, he told them,“Defeat Drupada, the King of Panchala in  battle and bring him to me. This will be the Gurudhakshina (offering to the preceptor) that will satisfy me the most.”

The Kuru princes marched to Panchala with their army and laid siege to the capital of Panchala. The troops were led by Duryodhana, his brothers and Karna. As the Kurus approached Drupada's capital, they informed the King of their desire for battle. King Drupada, not tolerating the attack on his kingdom, mounted his chariot and along with his brothers met the Kuru army head on. Duryodhana and his followers then competed with one another to see who could capture King Drupada first.

Before the battle started, Arjuna saw the vanity of Duryodhana and his brothers. He therefore informed Drona, "O best of the brahmanas, we shall refrain from fighting until Duryodhana has displayed his prowess. The King of the Panchalas can never be captured on the battlefield by any of these warriors." Having made his plan, Arjuna, surrounded by his brothers, waited outside the town about a mile away.

Meanwhile, King Drupada, beholding the Kuru army, rushed forward releasing hundreds of arrows from his powerful bow. Duryodhana and his brothers became furious and began to shower their arrows upon the enemy. But the mighty King Drupada was not affected and began killing the enemy with greater vigor. He challenged Duryodhana, Vikarna and Karna, and flee them from the battlefield. The arrows from the Panchala army began to rain upon the Kurus, breaking their ranks and causing them to flee for their very lives.

Hearing the terrible wail of the beaten Kuravas, the Pandavas marched to the battle site after offered their obeisances to Drona and mounted their chariots. Arjuna asked Yudhisthira to stay in the background and appointed the Nakula , Shadeva as the protectors of his chariot wheels. Bhima with a mace in hand, rushed into the center of the army. He headed for the elephant battalion and began to destroy those huge beasts with a single blow from his powerful club. The elephants screamed and fell to the ground. With his invincible club, Bhima began to destroy chariots, horses, infantrymen and elephants. As a cowherd man controls countless cows with his staff, so Bhima controlled the army of Drupada with his fierce club.

Meanwhile, Arjuna fought with Drupada  and made him fall off the elephant he was riding. The battle became furious. The Panchala army challenged Arjuna head on with a downpour of arrows, and sending up courageous shouts, fought desperately with him. The son of Indra was filled with fury and released thousands of arrows intending to annihilate the Panchala army. Those who were watching Arjuna could not see any interval between his fixing the arrows on the bow string and releasing them. The King of the Panchalas, accompanied by his commander in chief, Satyajit, assaulted Arjuna with the speed of the wind. Arjuna covered King Drupada with hundreds of arrows. Partha then rushed at King Drupada to apprehend him. Seeing Arjuna coming forward, Satyajit tried to stop him. As the two warriors approached for combat, they began to destroy each other's army. Suddenly Arjuna pierced Satyajit in the chest with ten arrows. Unaffected by the force of those arrows, Satyajit released one hundred shafts at the son of Pandu. Arjuna, not wanting to waste anymore time, released an arrow that cut the bow of Satyajit in two. Taking up another bow, the commander-in-chief of the Panchalas attacked Arjuna again. This time Arjuna cut the bow, killed the horses and charioteer, and shattered the chariot. When Satyajit found his bow useless and his horses slain, he desisted from fighting.

Seeing his army general defeated, the Panchala king began to rain arrows upon the Pandava prince. Arjuna immediately cut King Drupada's bow and pierced his chariot driver with five arrows. Setting aside his bow, got down from his chariot and confronted Drupada with his sword.. He confronted King Drupada and at the sight of this, the Panchala army fled the battle field.

Arjuna then took Drupada captive. Seeing Arjuna coming with Drupada, Bhima forces began to attack Drupada’s capital. Arjuna told Bhima, “Drupada is a relative of the Kurus. Therefore, let us not kill his soldiers. Let us only offer Drupada to our preceptor.” The Pandavas took Drupada and his counselors along with them and reached the abode of Drona. They offered Drupada to their preceptor. 
 Drona, seeing King Drupada brought under his complete control, remembered how Drupada had formerly humiliated him in his court said "I have now taken possession of your capital and your kingdom. You need not fear for your life. I once again desire your friendship. O King Drupada, previously you told me that only one who was a king could be a king's friend. I therefore will give you half of the kingdom south of the Bhagirathi, and I shall rule over the land north of that river. And if it pleases you, I ask again for your friendship."

On hearing these words, Drupada answered, "You appear to be an invincible brahmin, and your prowess is superior to a kshatriya. Therefore, O brahmin, I am not surprised at what you have accomplished. I am very satisfied with you and desire your eternal friendship." Drona then released Drupada, and from that day on the King of the Panchalas resided in the city of Kampilya in the province of Makandi on the banks of the Ganges.

After this, Drupada began to reside in the city of Kampilya within the province of Makandi on the banks of the Ganga. His kingdom comprised only the Southern Panchala up to the bank of the Charmanwati river. He was a sad man, always tormented by the humiliation meted out to him by Drona. He realized that he could not defeat Drona by his might alone.He began to wander the earth searching for a sage who could help him obtain a son to kill Drona. He also desired a daughter who would be a suitable wife for Arjuna. King Drupada was so impressed with Arjuna that he thought there was no warrior comparable to him. Therefore, by means of marriage, he wanted to unite the two families


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