M132 - Qualities of Yudhisthira and Duryodhana

As Training for Kuru princes continues.... One day Drona called for Yudhisthira and Duryodhana, and ordered them, to go among the citizens and find someone who has some faults. When you have found that person, bring him to me. Drona then requested Duryodhana to go among the citizens and find someone who is superior in quality to you. When you find that person, bring him to me. Both the students then left, and Drona returned to his quarters.

At the end of the day Duryodhana returned to his teacher and informed him, O my teacher, I have searched the kingdom for a person who is superior in quality to me, but I have not found anyone. Having concluded my inspection, I have returned to your presence. Drona then dismissed Duryodhana.
When the sun had set on the horizon, Yudhisthira arrived and offered obeisances to his martial teacher. Drona then inquired, Have you found someone of inferior quality? Yudhisthira replied, I have searched all day, but I could not find anyone. However, toward the end of the day, I saw a vaishya man drawing water from a well, and since it was ekadasi (fasting day), I thought to bring him to you. Just as I was about to arrest him, but later I saw that he fed the water to his animals. Therefore, I have not found anyone with inferior qualities, but I have brought myself for fault finding with others. Drona then dismissed Yudhisthira and reflected on the qualities of the two princes. He concluded that Yudhisthira was the personification of humility and fit to rule the people, whereas Duryodhana was too proud to be a pious king and would ultimately ruin the Kuru dynasty.

After Drona was satisfied that the Kaurava and the Pandava princes had become accomplished in the use of arms, he went to King Dritharashtra and told him that the princes had completed their education and that it was time for them to show their proficiency. Bhishma, Vidura, Vyasa , Kripa and others were present at that time.  Dritharashtra felt very happy on hearing this and praised Drona for accomplishing a great deed by educating the princes. He felt sorry that he could not witness the feats that would be performed by his sons and others. He then asked Vidura to arrange for the function in consultation with Drona.


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